Future of Work

Living on the technological edge, I see the impact the innovations have on the world of work. It is becoming an enormous issue and I am also helping people in this area. Basically, it is about career guidance, life design and showing the world, what is going on.

Alliance for YOUth CZ

Alliance for YOUth logo

We are helping young people find their place in the world of work.
The Alliance for YOUth is a group of more than 50 companies just in the Czech Republic. We meet every month to learn from each other and think of ways how to improve the collaboration among us.

Web: www.aliancepromlade.cz [CZ]
Be part of this: contact me.
My role: I was coordinating the activities of the Alliance for YOUth in the Czech Republic for 3 years.

Big Step

Under the umbrella of the Alliance for YOUth, we developed the Big Step program. More than 10 times students met in 4 different companies in a two-day event. It is a truly unique experience for students and an authentic employer branding for companies.

Future Port Prague

I am part of the community that brought you the Future of You stage at the biggest technological festival in the central Europe.
For more information, visit www.futureportprague.com.

IBM Smarter University

For 3 years (2015-2018) I was a leader of the internship program in IBM. Students from technical fields were getting mentoring support from highly skilled IBMers, attending workshops, getting certificates and most importantly getting part-time jobs in IBM.